
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Go Broncos!

Beat the Steelers!!
Not much more to say. I’ve been sickly (cold) and lethargic for days now, and can’t really come up with anything interesting.
One bit of good news – our local ABC affiliate KMGH finally moved their digital transmitter to Republic Plaza (it was just hanging out a window of their office building) with [...]

Keeping Score on 24

This entry is about the four-hour Season 5 premiere of 24 the last two nights on Fox. There are some minor spoilers, so if you haven’t watched it yet but intend to, you might want to skip the rest of this post.

So Glad We Had This Time Together

This isn’t so much a peeve as an observation. I’ve noticed it’s become something of a tradition these days to end a conversation (mostly phone conversations, but often in-person or instant messaging ones also) with one party saying “Well, I’ll let you go now”. Oh, you’ll let me go now – aren’t you [...]

Living Food By-Products

On the Specials menu at Pad Thai today:
I couldn’t look at that without thinking of last night’s episode of Lost and the island confrontation between Eko and the monster. Explains a lot, don’t it?
Kow Tom Mud Banana!

Clarity From The Skies

Hi, it’s been awhile. How do you do? How have you been? The Blogging Well has run a bit dry here at FlasshePoint, plus I’ve been kinda busy. And just waiting around for something interesting to happen to me. Wait… is that it…? Nope, only a particularly loud burp.
Still no [...]

Co-Worker Lunch Proclamation

(During a politcal discussion)
“I want to be ruled by ruthless uncorruptable robots.”

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