
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

The Great Spicy CrunchWrap Supreme Swindle

Update: Please note that this post (and the comments) has been edited to remove explicit references to the name of the Mexican fast food national restaurant chain in question, and replaced them with the abbreviation “TB”. I got tired of all the hits on this post from people searching for coupons for that establishment.
Pet [...]

Abnormal Culinary Meme

I’m inventing a new Internet meme, though I know variations of this have been done before. It’s a simple one: Name ten food-related preferences you have that you deem to be abnormal or unusual compared to the rest of America (or whatever country you hail from). Avoid just mentioning popular foods you dislike. [...]

Where She Is Now I Can Only Guess

It’s time again for Movie Review Sunday (spoiler-free this week), when readership drops off anyway…
I’m still catching up on some of last year’s Oscar-nominated movie fare. Though it didn’t win anything and had only one nomination, Gone Baby Gone (which I keep wanting to call Gone Daddy Gone after the Violent Femmes song) still [...]

Zan Forms An Ice Crumb

What’s the big deal about there being ice on Mars? It’s not like we don’t have enough water and ice here on Earth (3/4ths of the world is covered with it!). Call me back when they’ve found dinosaurs or my missing Major Matt Mason dolls. I just hope they engineered that Phoenix [...]

Battling Evil Is Cute

What’s up with the ABC Family channel lately? Actually, I’ve never really watched it except for reruns of Gilmore Girls, though I hear that their original shows like Kyle XY and Greek are making in-roads among the non-family orientated hip. Based on the buzz, I tuned into the pilot episode of new original [...]

Modesty Blaze

According to this article, a study has shown that gadget buyers/early adopters like me are assertive and arrogant. We are also possessed of leadership qualities and high self-esteem. Damn straight, bitches. I set meekness and humbleness on fire. Ain’t no one more assertive than tech nerds. Hell, after stopping by [...]

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