
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Two Hours Not In Bruges

Movie/DVD Review Sunday!
2 Days In Paris is a movie that starts off funny and interesting, but kind of falls apart by the end. N and I watched the DVD last night and enjoyed it, with some reservations. It’s the story of two lovers Marion and Jack, played by Julie Delpy and Adam Goldberg, who [...]

Donuts To Dollars

One year ago today, I blogged about and posted pictures from the makeover a local 7-11 had undergone into a Kwik-E-Mart to promote The Simpsons Movie. That 7-11, like all the ones involved in the promotion, eventually reverted back to its former non-Springfieldian state and now advertises Slurpees and Asian Rolls (whatever those are) [...]

Bruce In Unreal Life

It’s Movie Review Sunday! I saw two movies yesterday, one in the theater and one on DVD.
The theater movie was The Incredible Hulk. Based on how many people were in the theater (8 including myself), I don’t think it’s going to be in the theaters for much longer. Although Saturday morning shows [...]

Where She Is Now I Can Only Guess

It’s time again for Movie Review Sunday (spoiler-free this week), when readership drops off anyway…
I’m still catching up on some of last year’s Oscar-nominated movie fare. Though it didn’t win anything and had only one nomination, Gone Baby Gone (which I keep wanting to call Gone Daddy Gone after the Violent Femmes song) still [...]

Lawyers Are People Too

I finally got to watch the last 10 minutes of Michael Clayton the other night, after Netflix sent me a replacement BluRay disc. That one worked.
I usually find it hard to sympathize with lawyers in movies, but George Clooney’s portrayal of a gambling-addicted “fixer” lawyer who finds himself in the middle of [...]

Vacation Debriefing

Things I learned on my Pennsylvania trip last week, that I didn’t learn from my trip last year:
Pennsylvania has strange beer laws. You can’t buy beer in grocery stores or liquor stores (!), but you can buy it at convenience stores and “beer distributors”. Also, I think you can buy six packs in [...]

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