
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Fond Memories Of Violent Times

So what are you doing to celebrate the release of Grand Theft Auto IV this Tuesday? Will you be waiting in line at you local Best Buy when the doors open? Will you steal a car to get there? Beat up a hooker and take her money so you’ll have some cash [...]

A Public Service

This may be the most important thing you do all week. As explained in this post, please please please stop Uwe Boll from directing any more movies. The director himself says he’ll stop making movies if one million people tell him he should via of this online petition. Heck, that’s only 1/8th [...]

What I’m Playing At

I realize I haven’t posted an update about my Playstation 3 experiences lately. Well, I haven’t had much time to play it or play with it. I haven’t done any online play at all. I’m working my way through Heavenly Sword, which is a bit of a button masher, but pretty and [...]

Behind The Brown Door

Lately, a sign has been appearing in our office building on the door leading to the parking garage (actually, on the door leading into the first airlock to the parking garage; we have to go through two airlocks and three doors to actually get into the garage). The sign says QUIET PLEASE, DEPOSITION IN [...]

Major Distraction

Got my PlayStation 3 today. I rushed right home after work to set it up, and I’ve been playing with it all evening (aside from a break to watch tonight’s Lost, which had another didn’t-see-that-coming ending). What an amazing machine! I haven’t even really done much with it yet gaming-wise (aside from [...]

Next Gen Gaming And Video Ahoy

Well, I finally did it. I ordered a PlayStation 3. I bought it online, so I probably won’t be getting it for a week or two. The more expensive 80GB units (which have SACD and backwards compatibility) are becoming extremely rare and the conventional wisdom says that Sony is going to stop [...]

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