
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

To Sleep, perchance to Think

Posted on | January 22, 2004 at 8:01 am | Comments Off

BTW, “Flasshe” is pronounced “Flash”, not “Flashy”. It’s a google-friendly personal variation on Flasche, which is German for “bottle” or “flask”.

There was an article in the paper this morning about how a new study has proven that a good night’s sleep aids in problem solving – something that has been common sense knowledge for years. What’s not addressed is the correlation – i.e. if you’re tired, you’re going to make mistakes. If only employers would realize that working long hours results in less productivity rather than more, the world would be a better place.

I definitely solve problems, write songs, etc. in my sleep. I’m a light sleeper. It’s a rare night when the events of the entire work day don’t keep going through my head all night and getting mixed up with other things, making for weird dream connections. Frequently I’ll wake up in the morning with some solution to a problem that had been bugging me the day before. Sometimes it even works.

I read another article a little while ago where some other sleep study guy was claiming that contrary to popular belief, humans need 10 hours of sleep a day instead of 8. Who has the time to sleep that much?? I’m lucky if I get in more than 6-6.5 hours on a weeknight (though I make big deposits into the Sleep Bank on the weekends). Plus, who can actually stay in bed for 10 hours at a stretch? My muscles and joints would be screaming.

It was even colder this morning than yesterday (21 above), but I ran anyway and my iPod worked perfectly again. I hope this is the beginning of an iPod trend.



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