
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

No Necessito

Posted on | April 20, 2004 at 7:16 pm | 1 Comment

I’ve been listening to the album Feel It by the band Some Girls, which I downloaded from eMusic. This is the group featuring Juliana Hatfield and Freda Love, which rose out of the ashes of the last Blake Babies reunion. One song on it, Necessito, gets my vote for Most Annoying Song I’ve Heard So Far This Year. Ironically (like rain on my wedding day), this is the only song from the album available as an MP3 download from their official website, so judge for yourself. I’m not sure if it’s the toy snare drum or the chorus music/lyrics that gets me most, but something about it just makes me reach for the “next track” button. Although I must say I kind of dig the bass line (when it finally comes in) and the middle 8 (which disses critics) ain’t bad. And the rest of the album sounds okay, at least what I’ve heard of it so far. I do dig Juliana.

In the news, it appears that it was the lack of females that killed off the dinosaurs. Ladies, insert your own jokes here.



One Response to “No Necessito”

  1. Necessito Mosquito
    April 22nd, 2004 @ 12:29 pm

    I like that song…it’s so catchy!

    I saw this line-up play about 1.5 years ago, billed as Juliana Hatfield. They played some songs from the Some Girls album, but mostly old JH songs. It was a wonderful show.

    (I took my 17-year-old nephew and 15-year-old niece, it was their first music-club experience, hooray for Generation Z or whatever we call ‘em now)

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