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The Return of Shouty McShoutshout

Posted on | March 11, 2005 at 10:33 am | 6 Comments

My favorite reality show, Project Greenlight, finally returns to television next week. It has moved from HBO to Bravo for the third season, and I hope it’s not diluted now that it’s not on pay cable. Bravo is showing a first season marathon this Sunday the 13th and then starts showing the new episodes on Tuesday the 15th. Here’s the schedule.

Hopefully producer Chris Moore will still be seen on-screen a lot, as he’s pretty entertaining and does the best “God, I’m working with idiots” double-take shots in the business. And he shouts a lot. But the big question is if they will actually make a good movie this time – one that audiences will pay to see. I doubt it, but here’s hoping. Maybe that’s not real important though. The fun is in watching the movie being made by amateurs thrust into the Hollywood system, no matter how good or bad the end product is.

I had some very minor participation in this season, as I reviewed a couple of submitted PG scripts as a member of the Project Greenlight website. Someday I’d like to submit a script myself, but I’d have to learn to write first. And oh yeah, come up with an idea.



6 Responses to “The Return of Shouty McShoutshout”

  1. Paula
    March 11th, 2005 @ 11:12 am

    you could write about the lobster kite

  2. Alan
    March 11th, 2005 @ 2:12 pm

    Or maybe a Falling Down kind of thing where a computer programmer is driven to acts of extreme violence when drivers refuse to yield to pedestrians.

  3. Flasshe
    March 12th, 2005 @ 11:11 am

    Or when software drivers don’t install properly…

  4. 2fs
    March 12th, 2005 @ 5:56 pm

    Given the usual googolplex fare, I would thinking “writing” isn’t necessarily a needed skill. The ability to come up with unusual ways to incorporate farting, however, is essential.

    Query: if fat guys are always funny, monkeys are always funny, and farting is always funny, is it superfunny if a really fat monkey farts? In church? On a prim and proper woman? Such that her skirt blows up? And reveals incongruously naughty underwear? And that she’s really a man? Just asking.

  5. 2fs
    March 12th, 2005 @ 5:57 pm

    ps: I would thinking grammar knowing not neededly eitherness.

  6. Flasshe
    March 12th, 2005 @ 10:51 pm

    Jeff, it depends on if the fat monkey farting is the second act turning point or not.

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