
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Is This Thing On?

Posted on | July 23, 2005 at 5:20 pm | Comments Off

How I spent my summer vacation…

My absence from this site lately has been primarily due to an out of town trip that I took. But most of my readers probably already know that, especially since I saw many of them (you) on that trip. I had a great time in Milwaukee mingling with like-minded friends, though I probably didn’t drink as much beer, or eat as much cheese and sausages as I should have. I did get to see the Milwaukee Art Museum, which is quite a stunning building architecturally, and had lots of eye catching stuff in it. I thought it was pretty hot there (Sue and I had a hard time running along the lakeshore in the oppressive heat and humidity), but it was still cooler than Denver was when I got back home. Yowzer.

Wisely, I scheduled my time off from work so that the trip was in the middle. My friend Jesuit Glenn is in town for his annual visit, so we had some time to hang out before the trip (when we saw Fantastic Four, already reviewed) and after (when we saw Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, which I have yet to review). Since I got back, I’ve also spent a day taking the nephews to Six Flags, which was fun but incredibly hot (and incredibly expensive). Thankfully they have that water park at Elitch’s so you can cool off. But it was very crowded. The (non-water) rides were not very crowded, luckily. Standing in line in that heat was tough.

I spent Friday, my last official day of vacation, getting some work done on my car and then pruning my trees. I’ve spent so much money lately, I’m not going to be able to afford to have them professionally trimmed. But I had to do something, as they’re encroaching on my house as well as my neighbor’s. The 12-foot tree pruner I inherited from my friend Phil when he moved to California came in really handy. I was able to get the bulk of the offending branches down, and I should be able to live with the trees as is for awhile. As usual, I managed to inflict minor injuries on both my hands (some of which I got after I finally remembered to wear gloves), but that’s life when you’re living on the edge like I am.

The upshot, as usual, is that I could really use like another week off. I didn’t get done hardly any of the reading I wanted to get done (though I am over halfway through the 700 page novel I started right before the vacation). The magazines and comics are really piling up. There are a lot of recorded TV shows on the DVR that I have yet to get to. And I really need to think about paying bills, answering e-mails, and other such organizational things I’ve let lapse. I’m way behind on reading blogs and other websites. At some point I need to post some digital pix from the trip and all. I’m afraid to update my finances in Quicken as I think I’m pretty much broke.

And I haven’t run since I was in Milwaukee. Not only has it been too hot (especially when getting up late like I do on vacation), but I seemed to have messed up my left knee a bit a few weeks ago, and it was really hurting when I got back from the trip. So I’m giving it a rest for several days. It’s a lot better now and I will probably resume the running before I go back to work on Monday.

So… ummm… that’s what’s been happening with me. Or at least some of it. I need to get back into my routine (or abandon it forever), cuz it’s kinda stressing me out.



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