
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber


Posted on | September 2, 2005 at 7:37 pm | 9 Comments

So I keep seeing these commercials for this Jodie Foster movie where she plays the mother of a girl who mysteriously vanishes during a plane flight (did she check the overhead bins?), and the plane’s crew and passengers claim the girl didn’t exist… blah blah blah. Anyway, the movie is called Flightplan. Why? Who came up with that title? It’s just stupid. It’s like if they had called Driving Miss Daisy Car or Chauffeur. Or if they had called Raiders of the Lost Ark Archaeologist. Of if they had called The Terminal The Terminal. Err, wait…

Too bad Red Eye was already taken. That’s a great title. But even something like Vanishing Girl would’ve been better. Which would take a clue from the new Samuel L. Jackson movie, called (I kid you not) Snakes on a Plane, which is about… snakes on a plane. The studio wanted to change the title to some craptastic thing like Flight 121, but Jackson, bless his heart, wouldn’t stand for it. Now that’s integrity.

So, Jodie, I know it’s too late to change the marketing materials and all, but hey, how about a last minute title change to My Daughter Pulled a D.B. Cooper or Flight to Oblivion or Flying the Deadly Skies or Lost in Transit or something like that? I’m here for ya, babe. Have your people call my people.



9 Responses to “Airframe”

  1. Sue
    September 2nd, 2005 @ 8:28 pm

    Fun thing: sing the words “Snakes on a Plane” to the tune of Anton Barbeau’s “Grapes on a Plate.” “Snakes on a plaaaaane… snakes on a plaaaaane.” I agree, that’s gotta be the best title ever, though it’s a close tie with “Ssssssssss.”

    Incidentally, “Flightplan” co-stars Peter Sarsgaard.

  2. Flasshe
    September 2nd, 2005 @ 9:32 pm

    If you squint, it already sounds like Anton is singing “snakes on a plane”.

    Peter Sarsgaard… Peter Sarsgaard… Isn’t he the one who’s not Ewan McGregor? Or is that the guy who was in Breaking The Waves?

  3. summervillain
    September 3rd, 2005 @ 8:40 am

    He’s the guy who was SO good in Shattered Glass.
    And not nearly as good in Kinsey.

  4. Flasshe
    September 3rd, 2005 @ 11:10 am

    I was just giving Sue a hard time. Yeah, Shattered Glass was probably his best work, though I did think he was one of the more interesting things in Kinsey. And then there’s Center of the World, which is where I first saw him…

  5. Sue
    September 3rd, 2005 @ 3:48 pm

    summervillain: “Shattered Glass” was a better film/performance, but Kinsey had the benefit of full frontal nudity…

  6. Flasshe
    September 3rd, 2005 @ 4:06 pm

    That’s enough kind of talk like that in this here blog, little missy. Around these parts, we only talk about boobies.

  7. Sue
    September 4th, 2005 @ 2:02 am

    BTW, didja notice that in “The Aristocrats,” during the scene near the end with the couple in a hot tub, that the woman’s bare boob was pixelated? That was so weird. “Sure, 8,000,000 curse words are OK, but a breast?!”

  8. Alan
    September 4th, 2005 @ 9:38 am

    Maybe she wanted too much to show her breasts, ala State and Main.

  9. Flasshe
    September 6th, 2005 @ 4:45 pm

    Sue, I wonder if there’s some kind of double standard in this country…?

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