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Dream A Lucid Dream Of Me

Posted on | November 8, 2005 at 6:20 pm | 3 Comments

How am I standing in this wind?I’m not sure why, but my dreams have been especially vivid lately. I go through cycles like this. During these vivid dreaming periods, I can recall slipping into Lucid Dreaming. That’s the process by which one can consciously control or influence their dreams. I read a book on it a long time ago, but I was able to do Lucid Dreaming before I even knew that there was a name for it. Last I saw the book, Alison Faith Levy had borrowed it and it was heading off in the direction of California. No matter – I don’t really need it anyway.

I find that I really only have partial control of my dreams when in the lucid state. I can influence them quite a bit, but they still go in weird directions that I can’t anticipate. Most of the influence results in me being able to fly (or more accurately, “hover”, like I’m using the power of the Medusa Head* soul in Castlevania**: Dawn of Sorrow) and also in that… ummm… other thing that people commonly experience/desire in their dreams (what I like to call the Magnificent Meadow of Mammaries).

Imaginary bratsWhat if I could use these special powers in a wider context, to influence and change reality? It would be kind of like the Scarlet Witch in the House of M mini-series, except instead of creating bratty children for myself and making super-powered mutants the societal majority, I would probably try some different things. Just off the top of my head…

I’d make it so that:

  • Good music is actually popular.
  • Technology works as advertised.
  • Drivers always use their turn signals.
  • I am irresistible to the opposite sex.
  • People don’t confuse religion and science (or religion and politics, for that matter).
  • Dogs don’t shed, pee, or poop.
  • Leaves would rake themselves.
  • Good food is not fattening.
  • People’s pants fall down whenever they are rude to someone.
  • Reality shows do not exist (because what is “Reality” in such a universe?).
  • No one would be poor or hungry or sick, blah blah blah. Although if no one ever died, the planet would get awfully crowded pretty quick.

What would you change about reality if you could alter it with your mind? Of course I would be a benevolent master of reality and an ethical universe builder, but I’m not sure about the rest of you.


* – “A monster created in great number [sic] from the head of Medusa.”

** – Which Hollywood is now making a movie of. What, there weren’t enough bad video game-to-movie adaptations? Doom was a gigantic hit? Paul WS Anderson doesn’t have enough crappy movie ideas of his own?


3 Responses to “Dream A Lucid Dream Of Me”

  1. 2fs
    November 8th, 2005 @ 10:31 pm

    “I am irresistible to the opposite sex.” Jeez, Rog – don’t you watch Buffy? Remember what happened to Xander when that *literally* came true? So much to learn…

  2. Paula
    November 9th, 2005 @ 3:05 pm

    I just wrote a long philosophical answer and it was way too serious and plodding. But my short answer is: I’d change nothing.

  3. Flasshe
    November 9th, 2005 @ 3:30 pm

    Oh c’mon Paula, you know you’d make it so that monkeys ruled the world, just like in Planet of the Apes!

    Oh wait, I guess they do already…

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