
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Spicy Redefined

Posted on | November 25, 2005 at 2:57 pm | 1 Comment

Spicy Mustard BottleI don’t understand the concept of Spicy Brown Mustard. It doesn’t seem any spicier to me than normal mustard. It doesn’t seem spicy at all. Maybe my palate is just so used to spicy food that it takes a lot of heat to activate my Spicy Sense. Oh well, it doesn’t really matter. At least there is something different in a good way about the spicy mustard, since I like it a lot better than regular mustard. I’m much more inclined to use it than the yellow stuff. Strangely, the yellow mustard actually has a stronger taste to me.

I was going to write the usual Thanksgiving-themed entry about all the things I’m thankful for (kind of like my one last year, but updated to have new things from the previous twelve months). I even had most of it composed. But in the introduction, I mentioned that one of the on-going non-material things I was thankful for (friends, family, health, blah blah) was “my job”. But I’ve just spent most of my post-TG Friday holiday working on a problem that cropped up at work, which I first got paged for at 10pm on Thanksgiving evening while I was playing video games with my nephews, occasionally beating them at Mario Kart DS. Do you know how hard it is for me to beat my nephews at any video game? So I’m not as thankful for the job thing anymore. Note to self: Never volunteer to be On Call during holiday weeks again, no matter how many other concessions I get. Anyway, that put me off the whole blog entry, so I deleted it. It was dull anyway.

Up Next: Ever seen a physical fight break out at a movie theater? Okay, ever seen one break out at a showing of a Harry Potter movie, with lots of little kids in the audience? Well, now I can say that I have. And here I thought turkey was supposed to make you sleepy and docile.



One Response to “Spicy Redefined”

  1. Paula
    November 27th, 2005 @ 9:27 am

    Okay, ever seen one break out at a showing of a Harry Potter movie, with lots of little kids in the audience?

    No…really? I want details!

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