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Oscar Musings

Posted on | March 6, 2006 at 7:00 pm | 4 Comments

Hollywood’s self congratulatory orgy of excess is over for another year, and gosh wow, wasn’t that exciting. (Actually, it’s not totally over until Entertainment Weekly does three or four Oscar wrapup issues.) So, what have we learned? Not much, as it turns out. First, go read Sue’s wrapup – I pretty much agree with everything she said. The endless montages were sleep-inducing and I tuned out after the second one or so. I liked Jon Stewart’s joke about “Hollywood’s Salute to Montages”. The South Park/Team America song “It’s Gonna Take A Montage” kept going through my head. I thought Jon did okay as host, though it took him awhile to warm up to the gig. He’ll be absolutely killer next year if they let him do it again. The fake Oscar campaign ads were a highlight.

Not much going on fashion-wise, though I did like Larry McMurtry’s jeans. You go, dude. Everyone kept fawning over Jessica Alba’s gown and hair, but I thought she looked like someone’s mom. Speaking of that, Jennifer Garner definitely looked like a mom, and I think you know what I mean by that. She even had trouble walking with the extra upper body weight there.

The speeches were ho-hum, but at least they were short. I did like the Lily Tomlin/Meryl Streep introduction to Robert Altman’s honorary award, though I’m not sure everyone got it. I liked Altman’s speech as well: “I’m not done yet!”.

I was not particularly surprised at the supposed upset of Crash for Best Picture, as Attack of the Show’s Jimmy The Geek predicted it, along with the other major awards. He was the only media pundit to be 100% right on his picks that I know of. After his astounding success with Superbowl betting, he’s on fire. I have no idea if Crash was a better movie than Brokeback Mountain, since I haven’t seen Mountain yet. I liked Crash well enough, but there were far more entertaining movies released this year (Batman Begins, Sin City, Serenity, BloodRayne). But, y’know, Hollywood is all about The Message. Brrzzt! You’ve Been Clooneyfied!



4 Responses to “Oscar Musings”

  1. Joe
    March 6th, 2006 @ 7:06 pm

    Apparently, Stephen Colbert picked all the winners using the DaColbert Code…

  2. Flasshe
    March 6th, 2006 @ 10:28 pm

    Oh yeah, I forgot about that! I guess he will be bragging about that tonight…

  3. Bill
    March 7th, 2006 @ 7:43 am

    I can proudly say I saw none of the films nominated for an Oscar. This would be do to a spectacular lack of swords, rayguns and/or elves, plus the lack of theatres under my rock.

  4. Bill
    March 7th, 2006 @ 8:35 am

    Bill meant to say: “This would be due to . . .” but tried to type too early in the morning.

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