
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

A Brief Respite

Posted on | June 21, 2006 at 9:43 pm | 2 Comments

The Three Of Us At The Wynkoop

Taking a break from cleaning out my garage…

At least one good thing has happened lately in the chaos that has become my life. Last week, my friends Shalini and Mitch (whom I recently visited in North Carolina) stopped by Denver for a little while on their way home from the west coast. Unfortunately, since I was so busy, we didn’t have a lot of time to spend together. Mitch and Shalini were left to their own devices for most of the day and it just happened to be the day when every single cultural site that Shalini wanted to visit was closed (due to construction, special events, sunspots, etc.). I was able to meet them downtown near dinner time and we did manage to do some drinking at the Wynkoop, followed by a fabulous dinner at Rioja, and then some after dinner drinks at the Cruise Room. Rioja is considered to be one of the best restaurants in Denver, if not the country, and I’ve wanted to eat there for a long time. We were able to walk in and get a table right away without reservations, since they just had a cancellation. Very lucky. I couldn’t believe how good the food was; I don’t get to eat that well very often. Even the Manilla Clams that we had as an appetizer melted in my mouth with a burst of flavor like no clams I had ever had before.

Come back soon, guys! There’s a lot more good restaurants I need to try.

Here’s the Flickr set that documents the visit. I wish I had gotten some pics in Rioja, but I was so taken with the meal I forgot to take pictures. Plus, the people at the table next to us took about 20 million pictures and I didn’t want to add to the continuously blinding flash atmosphere. Hey, I bet those people got some pictures of us…



2 Responses to “A Brief Respite”

  1. 2fs
    June 22nd, 2006 @ 9:53 pm

    Well, if your Rioja neighbors got pictures of you, either they’re not on Flickr, they’re not up yet, or they don’t mention Rioja. Thought it would be amusing if they happened to show up there…then put up a note, “Hey – I know this guy. He got really drunk that night!” ‘Course, maybe they already knew that…

  2. Flasshe
    June 23rd, 2006 @ 8:53 am

    Thanks for the investigative work!

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