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The Wind Began To Howl

Posted on | March 25, 2007 at 9:18 pm | Comments Off

No real spoilers here…

It was almost a year ago when I had just watched the season two finale of Battlestar Galactica, was talking about how bizarre it was, was complaining about how we had to wait until October for the start of the next season, and how I was looking forward to the about-to-start new season of The Sopranos.

How little things change…

Well, actually, there is a change. Looks like we’re going to have to wait until sometime in frakin’ 2008 for the next season of BSG.

Truthfully, there wasn’t a lot in tonight’s third season finale that surprised me – I had already guessed most of it from last week. And the rest (the very end) was somewhat predictable in its odd way. But at least it was well done and exciting. I had been waiting for a long time for someone to say what Lee said while he was on the stand, and expose his fellow humans for the hypocrites they are. Not that it absolves Baltar.

But I have to say, the Bob Dylan stuff was about as left field as you can get. Really makes you wonder what they’re going to find next year…



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