
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Thank You For Your Purchase

You may have heard that twelve 7-11 stores around the world have been transformed into Kwik-E-Marts for the month of July in order to promote the upcoming Simpsons Movie. Fortunately for me, the one in Denver is just a couple of blocks from where I work. I stopped in there yesterday after work [...]

When The Funnies Ain’t So Funny

I’m still wrapped up in my own personal little world, and so don’t have time to write anything for you clamoring monkeys. However, I’ve got a little something from guest blogger Pilto, expounding on the current hilarious but heartwrenching Funky Winkerbean Lisa-is-going-to-expire-from-cancer-and-this-time-we-really-mean-it storyline. Take it away, Pilto:
That Batiuk guy needs some serious anti-depressants. [...]