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Ev-a, Phone Home

Posted on | October 19, 2008 at 11:03 am | 2 Comments

Return of the Movie Review Sunday!

Wall-EThis week, the girlfriend took me to see Wall-E, which is still playing at the second run theaters. We’ve been meaning to see it for awhile. N hasn’t had much experience with Pixar films, though she really loved Ratatouille and wanted to experience more. I myself have been put off a little bit by the popularity of the studio and the somewhat formula-driven plots of some of the movies, though I will probably always enjoy their creativity and technical whizz-bang. Heck, I’ve still never even seen Cars.

I’m not going to go over the plot, as I’m sure most people have already seen it by now or know what it’s about. A movie like Wall-E is a pretty difficult thing to pull off, as there is very little dialog in the movie. Nevertheless, you always know what is going on at all times and it’s easy to get caught up in the characters, robotic as they are. (Of course, the robots are more human than the humans, especially at the beginning.) As always, the animation is gorgeous, and the garbage-strewn post-apocalyptic Earth is a marvel to behold, and has a kind of depressing but spectacular grandeur that you don’t normally associate with this type of animated kid’s movie. When you see that little robot toiling away in the movie’s beginning at his garbage collection task with only a cockroach for a companion, it breaks your heart. But since this is a Pixar flick, you know his life is going to change drastically and he’s eventually going to get everything he wants. But not until after a lot of complications.

This was a wonderful movie that kept us enraptured in its story and with its plucky little hero. I’m sorry I ever doubted Pixar. It makes me want to go back and rewatch the rest of the library, with N so that I can experience it through her eyes like it’s my first time again. Heck, we’ll even have to watch Cars. I know she’ll like Finding Nemo the best though.


Pet Peeve of the Day: The decreasing price of gas. Seems like it goes lower by the hour. It’s going down so fast, it’s hard to justify filling your tank unless it’s completely empty. If you can just hold out yet another day, the price goes down another 5 cents a gallon. We’re down to around $2.90 and less in this neck of the woods, and I filled up at Safeway on Saturday for $2.79 after my 10 cents per gallon discount. Wow, maybe we can actually afford to drive somewhere out of the city now! Or drive around the city, for that matter.

Disgusting Search Term Of The Day That Led To This Blog: “illustration of cilantro”.

Videogame(s) Played Yesterday: Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS)


2 Responses to “Ev-a, Phone Home”

  1. Sue T.
    October 19th, 2008 @ 1:31 pm

    I’m surprised you didn’t wait a month for “Wall-E” to come out on Blu Ray!

  2. Flasshe
    October 22nd, 2008 @ 2:50 pm

    I’m surprised you didn’t wait a month for “Wall-E” to come out on Blu Ray!

    My NetFlix queue is too backed up…

    Besides, we don’t get to go out to an actual theater that often.

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