
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Happy Anniversary to Me

Posted on | January 20, 2005 at 10:42 pm | 7 Comments

Today is the one year anniversary of Distance, Redefined. Almost missed it. I’m amazed I’ve actually stuck with it (more or less) and have written as much as I have. I wanted to say more to mark the occasion, but haven’t had the time lately. Plus I’m kinda hopped up on muscle relaxants right now.

So, anyway, everyone go have a beer for me and toast my blog. Thanks.



7 Responses to “Happy Anniversary to Me”

  1. Lorrie
    January 22nd, 2005 @ 2:42 pm

    You need to have a beer for me. Happy blogiversary!

  2. 2fs
    January 22nd, 2005 @ 7:23 pm

    Congrats! I could be wrong, btw, but I don’t think “blogiversary” is actually a word. So if you go out and look for a “blogiversary” card, you probably won’t be able to find one, and will be disappointed, and may become depressed, and then drink too much, and pass out in a snowbank, waking only to find that several toes have become frostbitten and will need to be amputated, leading to your having to walk with a weird, twisted gait for the rest of your life. So people should be careful when they make up words, is all I’m sayin’…

  3. WVDan
    January 22nd, 2005 @ 11:49 pm

    I’m surprised someone hasn’t offered this toast in honor of Distance, Refined:
    “Raise your can of beer on high
    And seal your fate forever
    Our best years have passed us by
    The Golden Age of…
    Muscle Relaxants?
    Hang in there, Rog. Happy anniversary!

  4. WVDan
    January 22nd, 2005 @ 11:51 pm

    err… Distance, Redefined. I think clearing off my car in a -10 wind chill/near-blizzard after work musta froze up my brain!

  5. Flasshe
    January 23rd, 2005 @ 11:45 am

    -10 wind chill, Dan? Bummer. It’s in the 60s here this morning. I hate warm weather in winter. Hey… “Distance, Refined”… I like it.

    Jeff, don’t be making fun of Lorrie’s vocabulary. You might make her cry.

  6. Paula
    January 24th, 2005 @ 2:51 pm

    Happy Blog-o-versary (I believe that’s the proper spelling). Your nod-o-meter has been very helpful lately, as I, too, have a tendency to snooze at the movies.

  7. Flasshe
    January 24th, 2005 @ 8:00 pm

    Paula, do you do a full-out snoring, drooling, head-in-lap snooze at the movies like my dad does, or is it more of the slight head-bob “hey, can you repeat that last line again?” type momentary loss of focus? I’ve certainly done my share of the former at really boring movies (or after lots of alcohol), but mostly it’s the latter for me.

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