
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Hot Coffee In Bed

Posted on | July 14, 2005 at 11:03 pm | 1 Comment

Oy Vey. Sen. Clinton seeks ‘Grand Theft’ sex scene probe. Okay, here’s what disturbs me about this. First of all, the mod that allows this can only be done to the PC version of the game, not the PS2 or Xbox version. The articles rarely mention that. Therefore, the AO rating (if it somehow gets imposed) should only apply to the PC version. Secondly, it’s the old double standard. Though there have always been complaints about the level of over-the-top violence in the GTA games, it takes a sex scene to get the politicians really hot and bothered? As my friend Ray says, “That’s just wrong“. So it’s okay to simulate slicing up simulated innocent pedestrians with a chainsaw and stealing their money, but By God, you better not have simulated lewd sex with your simulated girlfriend.



One Response to “Hot Coffee In Bed”

  1. 2fs
    July 15th, 2005 @ 3:22 pm

    Y’know, I hadn’t been sure that Clinton was running for president in ‘08. Now I’m sure. Great – more bullshit me-too-ism trying (hopelessly) to engage the puritan right… Anyway: aside from that, this seems ridiculous if, as seems to be the case, it’s not even anything the manufacturers included in the game. I’m also waiting for the puritans (who quite often also hold to a private-property-sanctifying, free-market-glorifying view) to explain how they can simultaneously cheer for the market and then decry what that market (in the form of people buying what they enjoy) leads to. Uh, rant off now.

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