
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

I’ve Got So Much To Do

Here are the lyrics to the song Your Call Is Very Important To Us, Please Hold from the album Lil’ Beethoven by Sparks:
I’m getting mixed mixed signals, mixed mixed signals,
mixed mixed mixed mixed signals
At first she said “Your call is very important to us”
And then she said “Please hold. Please hold.”
Then she said “Your call [...]

Synchronicity I, II or III?

Okay, so this morning I was, as usual, watching my DVRed-from-last-night recordings of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report while doing my post-run stretches and breakfast preparation. At one point, while getting up from the stretches, I was flailing around and accidentally hit a button on the remote control that I didn’t mean [...]

Sneaks In The Rain

Yes, we have been getting some rain around here lately. You folks who live in other, wetter climes don’t know how good it is to have the occasional rain shower to break up the hot, dry days. Heck, it was drizzling when I was jogging yesterday morning (sans iPod) at 8:30am, and that [...]

Stairs On A Plain

One more Snakes On A Plane observation before the big opening. I’m currently reading the book Bangkok Tattoo by John Burdett, which reminds me of when I read it’s prequel Bangkook 8 a few months ago on my trip to North Carolina. Bangkok 8 could very well have been called “Snakes in a [...]

Stains On A Plate

My friends Sue and Joe are going to see the premiere of Snakes On A Plane on Thursday night. I’ve been looking forward to it also, though I don’t know if I’ll be crazy (or awake) enough to see a first showing. The Hype Machine has certainly kicked into overtime on this one. [...]


We interrupt this list of summer entertainment distractions to reveal an epiphany I had today. I know I’m opening myself up to ridicule on this one, not to mention cries of “too much information”, but what the hey. I’m amazed that at 45 years old, I’m still learning things. So, what did [...]

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