
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Pointless Goals and Sugared-Up Ghouls

Posted on | November 1, 2007 at 8:01 am | 9 Comments

Just yesterday, I heard about NaBloPoMo (through Foma*), National Blog Posting Month. The goal is to post daily for the whole month of November. I figure this is one goal I can achieve, so I signed up. Heck, I did a complete daily posting run in September of this year, and also had a nearly two-month run around Feb/March. I know, I know, after my disastrous try at NaSoAlMo (National Solo Album Month) three years ago, I shouldn’t commit again to something that requires… commitment. (Has it really been three years since my NaSoAlMo try? I never did finish even one song from that aborted solo album attempt.)

Some people involved in NaBloPoMo are doing a whole month of theme postings. Though I’m sure I’ll be hurting for topics (not to mention writing time) on some days, I don’t think I need to go that far. I have my “Pet Peeve of the Day”, which I’ll probably continue. I always have something to complain about. And if all else fails, I can always post what I had for lunch on the previous day. And my weight, which I track daily. I’ve really pudged out lately and I’m trying to cut down on my intake. Maybe posting my daily weight in public will encourage me to eat better. But probably not. Maybe there will be some sort of correlation between lunch and the fluctuating weight levels. Lunch tends to be my big meal of the day, as I don’t eat much for dinner because of acid reflux and other issues. I’m also trying to get back to a more regular jogging routine, so I can also mention if I ran that morning. Yeah, some posts will be less than meaty, but it was always thus anyway.

If anyone has any suggestions for topics or has questions you want me to answer, please let me know in the comments. We’re all in this together. Well, not really, but it makes me feel better to think so. I’m putting this whole thing on you, so I can get off easy.

Administrative note, especially for those of you who peruse the site only through the RSS feed: I’ve added a list of links in the right sidebar to my favorite FlasshePoint entries from over the years. Keep in mind this is only my opinion, and not based on popularity or anything. They tend to fall into three categories: Humorous (at least to me), Poignant/Personal, or Mystifying. An inordinate amount of them mention Godzilla, so don’t ask me what’s up with that. Feel free to suggest your own faves and maybe I’ll add them.

Bucket O' SugarSo. Anyway. Yesterday was Halloween. I stayed home last night to hand out candy (Nestle’s Crunch, Snickers, Reese’s PB Cups & Sticks, Junior Mints, 3 Musketeers, Kit Kats – all stuff I and/or Nancy likes, in case of leftovers). I wore my Skullcrusher Mountain T-shirt. Usually the weather here is crappy on Halloween (though nice the day before), so I don’t get a lot of rugrats demanding sweets. Last night was cold but not wet, although it had rained/snowed some in the morning. The total number of Trick or Treaters I got was 26, which I think was a little less than last year. Not a real good turnout. Most of the children showed up between 6:30-7, with a few teenage stragglers around 8:30. There were some little baseball players in Rockies uniforms. And a few vampires. And some Hogwarts kids. And a Guitar Hero. But not one Stephen Colbert costume. I was disappointed.

Jogged Today: Yes (@ 34°F)
Songs That Came Up On The iPod While Jogging:

  • “Detective Tracy” (Poster Children)
  • “Positive Tension” (Bloc Party)
  • “Rolling with the Moody Girls” (Game Theory)
  • “Late at Night” (Electronic)
  • “A Trick of the Light” (The Triffids)

Today’s Weight: 163.8 lbs
Lunch Yesterday: 8″ Portabello Pizzetta, plus 2 huge buttered breadsticks, at the Pasquini’s on Broadway.
Pet Peeve of the Day: People who say they’re going to do something and don’t follow through (Democrats?).



9 Responses to “Pointless Goals and Sugared-Up Ghouls”

  1. Janet
    November 1st, 2007 @ 9:08 am

    We got our normal 50-or-so trick-or-treaters, including two Blue Meanies. They had by far the most awesome costumes (and they performed too!), though a gangster and his moll were pretty cool too. Andy handed out the goods (coupons for kids meals at Big Boy) while B & J & I went door-to-door with some friends and collected 150 lb. of candy. Want some?

  2. 2fs
    November 1st, 2007 @ 4:08 pm

    I think it’s the BOC thing.

  3. Bill the Galactic Hero
    November 1st, 2007 @ 5:16 pm

    I usually get induced to participate in the annual sucrose distribution by my thoroughly better half, Marie. This year she has been working way too late and would not make it home in time; hence, I was able to be a Halloween Humbug.

    Remember, it’s just Blog Posting not Quality Blog Posting. Find any piece of text at least thirty words long and post one word each day as a LWOTD (Lame Word of the Day.)

  4. InfK
    November 1st, 2007 @ 5:30 pm

    On the other side of the world here in Melbourne, it’s “National Post-a-Blog-Comment-A-Day” month for all you know. However, I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep up, since I read a number of blogs to pass the time in between long-running database queries at work.

    Regardless, I wish you the best in your efforts – anyone who manages to keep track of how many trick-or-treaters he gets should be able to find time to post to a blog. (26?!? I’ve not had that many, EVER! Then again, I always went out to the movies on Halloween night…)

  5. 2fs
    November 1st, 2007 @ 10:08 pm

    See, the trouble with “it’s not Quality Blog Posting” is, uh, might as well be NaShToMo then. (The last phrase there, in full, is “in a Toilet Month” – you figure out the rest.) I can do that every day.

    Hmm. Maybe I’ll start a new blog, call it “Captain’s Log”…

  6. Gregory
    November 2nd, 2007 @ 2:50 am

    Apparently they didn’t get the memo about Halloween out here. I think the last time we had any kiddies at the door was six years ago, our first year here, and as I recall it was only two kids from the other new people on the block.

    I guess the Mall is where the kiddies go. I was up at a mall in one of the northern suburbs yesterday after work, watching the kiddies trick-or-treat the Apple Store.

    Ironically, our CEO dismissed us at 3:00 so that we could get ready to take the kiddies out or be ready to man the door when they arrive. I took advantage of the early dismissal to get to the Apple Store before the place got deluged by maniacs wanting to hit the Genius Bar after work. Instead I get Children.

    (Not like Minnesota. Used to run out of candy there all the time.)

  7. Flasshe
    November 2nd, 2007 @ 9:42 am

    2fs, since I’ve never really had a pretension of quality in my blog postings, I’m okay with following the herd and continuing to expectorate daily drivel. But now I have an excuse! I mean, besides wanting to clog up the Internets.

    My only requirement is that I keep myself amused, which is a pretty low bar.

  8. Flasshe
    November 2nd, 2007 @ 9:45 am

    I guess the Mall is where the kiddies go.

    Nursing homes are good too. I was at my dad’s on Tuesday night (Halloween Eve) and there was a huge line of neighborhood kids in costume waiting to get in. My dad and most of the other residents were lined up in the hall with scads of candy to hand out. I think that sort of thing works out well for everyone involved.

  9. 2fs
    November 2nd, 2007 @ 10:48 pm

    Yeah, that’s me too: King of the Low Bar. (Yet another blog name I’m not using: “The Low Bar.”)

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