
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Systemic Hacking

Posted on | November 13, 2007 at 1:11 pm | 3 Comments

Pet Peeve of the Day: Coughing in public. Offices and movie theaters should have “coughing” and “non-coughing” sections. I’ve been dealing with some low level virus or allergy attack for about a week now. No fever or headache, no chills or muscle fatigue, not much of a runny nose. The only real symptoms I’ve had is a slightly stuffed-up head and a thin stream of post nasal drip trickling down my throat and tickling it into sporadic coughing fits. Though the coughing is certainly annoying (especially when I’m trying to sleep) it’s not debilitating. So, I’ll just cough, cough, cough all over the place, no matter where I am or what I’m doing. It doesn’t bother me that I might be bothering others with the racket, or “spewing my death germs through the atmosphere” as the gf says. It’s not like I can control it. Cough drops don’t do much for me except when I’m actually sucking on them. And I don’t want to suck on them 24 hours a day.

You’d think I’d have more sympathy for those around me and would try to do something about it, since I absolutely can’t stand it when someone else coughs within earshot of me. I want to shout “go outside” or “suck a cough drop” or something at them. The noise is even louder and more disgusting than your average sneeze. It’s so disruptive that it takes me a little while to get back to my pre-disturbed thought. My work productivity goes way down when a co-worker has the fits. And yet here I go, just letting loose with these little bomb blasts every few minutes, with absolutely no regard to those who must suffer through it with me. Why this double standard? Am I that selfish? Yes. Yes, I am.

So next time you’re out in public and feel the need to hack, stifle it. Do whatever you have to do, even if it means wearing noise-cancellation headphones over your mouth. I don’t want to hear that crap. However, I’m sick, so I’ll do whatever my body wants me to do and I’ll ignore your dirty looks. That’s just how I roll.

My point here, I think, is that it’s really easy to be dismissive of the effect your gross behavior has on those around you, until you’re on the receiving end of it from someone else. Or that it’s hard to have sympathy for those who can’t control their actions, until you can’t control your own. Or maybe I just wanted to type the word “cough” a lot.

Sorry, no pic today. Ran out of film.

Jogged Today: Yes (@ 41°F). Finally feeling almost normal.
Songs That Came Up On The iPod While Jogging:

  • “Sing Hallelujah” (David Wechsler)
  • “You” (Uncle Green)
  • “Bedsitter Images” (Al Stewart)
  • “This Car Is Not Blue” (Trotsky Icepick)
  • “All the Things that Go to Make Heaven and Earth” (The New Pornographers)
  • “What Jail Is Like” (Afghan Whigs)
  • “Look Away” (Blake Babies)

Today’s Weight: 164 lbs
Lunch Yesterday: Pad Se Lew at Pad Thai.



3 Responses to “Systemic Hacking”

  1. InfK
    November 13th, 2007 @ 3:11 pm

    Hell yeah, it’s easy to be dismissive of your effect on others! That’s what my wife likes about it; it’s easy, just – sitting there… dismissing away, without a care in the world…

  2. Lisa
    November 13th, 2007 @ 3:37 pm

    Good thing you don’t take the bus, it’s typically full of people who won’t be able to pay the rent unless they go to work sick. Mandatory sick pay would save a lot of tax dollars currently going to the county health department, and keep the rest of us healthier. Personally, I find it easier to stay home when I’m sick now that I can work from home.

    As for Pad Se Lew, try Thai Basil at Alameda and Pearl. Even if you get it with tofu, it’s a spiritual experience.

  3. Flasshe
    November 13th, 2007 @ 3:51 pm

    I’ve actually had the Pad Se Lew at Thai Basil fairly recently. I prefer Pad Thai’s version. In fact, Pad Se Lew is always the first thing I try at a Thai restaurant I’ve never been to ebfore, and I’ve never found any I’ve liked as much as Pad Thai’s.

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