
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Craven Cravings

Posted on | December 10, 2007 at 6:56 pm | 1 Comment

Riddle me this, Batman.

What creature craves non-greasy food in the morning, salt in the mid-morning, greasy food at noon, sugar in the mid-afternoon, and vegetables in the evening?

Answer: Me!

Seriously, why do I always need salt for my mid-morning snack and sugar for my mid-afternoon one? Seems like it should be the other way around. If I don’t get my salt fix in the morning, I get all shaky like I have low blood sugar. It’s more than just a craving. What’s up with that? That doesn’t happen in the afternoon if I don’t get my sugar fix, but I do get very hungry.

When I have sugared stuff, especially ice cream, I crave a diet pop real bad. Non-diet pop doesn’t satisfy the craving.

When I have a late breakfast, like on weekend mornings, I’m still craving that greasy lunch by around noon. I can’t put it off.

Actually, I lied above. I do crave greasy food in the morning, like eggs and bacon, but can usually only take a few bites of it before my stomach rebels. But if I wait a little while, I can really chow down on that kind of breakfast food for lunch.

I crave burritos on Friday night and pizza on Saturday night.

I crave Thai food for lunch any day, even if I just had it the day before.

I crave stratchy products like breads and bagels in circumstances where others would crave cigarettes. Which causes crumbs to get into some awkward places. But I suppose that’s better than ashes.

I crave water when I first get up in the morning, but at no other time during the day.

I crave beer at dinner time, no matter what I’m having for dinner. Unless it’s chocolate.

I crave shrimp when I get home from work.

Do you crave certain things at certain times or under certain circumstances? Please limit your responses to ingestibles. Keep it clean.

Jogged Today: Nope, too icy.
Today’s Weight: 164.4 lbs
Lunch Yesterday: Two hot dogs.
Over Here / Over There
Pet Peeve of the Day: I finally got a chance to watch my DVD of Babylon 5: The Lost Tales, which my sweetie bought me for my birthday back in September. It’s the supposed first in a series of original direct-to-video “movies” extending the Babylon 5 universe and featuring some of the original cast. I was really looking forward to it. I must say that the special effects (what little there were) were a huge leap forward from the TV show, which already had spectacular pioneering CGI effects for its time. But the story… OMG. There were actually two stories, one featuring President Sheridan (Bruce Boxleitner) and one featuring Captain Lochley (Tracy Scoggins). Both were extraordinarily dull and featured way too much talking. There was no action and little drama. They were both basically just little morality tales, possibly setting up some future plotlines. The sets were very sparse, and the dialog seemed stilted and fakey (especially in the Lochley story), but I don’t know if that was a problem with the writing or the acting. Probably both. The entire shebang was written and directed by B5 creator J. Michael Straczynski, and I’m thinking he shouldn’t direct any more. According to the Fireside Chat extras on the discs, JMS himself agrees. I hope that later installments, if there are any after this fiasco, have more zip. Although, like I said, the effects were stunning, and the image quality of the disc looked very crisp on my new plasma TV, with an HD-quality. After Crusade, Legend of the Rangers, and now this, I think JMS has gone back to the B5 Well a bit too often. Diminishing returns. Though I love the original show, these later attempts to recreate the magic point out that it’s pretty hard to catch lightning twice. I’m beginning to think he shouldn’t even try any more. Although I’ll be there if he does. I’m a sucker that way.



One Response to “Craven Cravings”

  1. InfK
    December 11th, 2007 @ 4:03 am

    Don’t think I’ve ever had a craving. Hard to even come up with a food preference, most days – I have to make personal ‘rules’ to keep from eating the same thing day after day, which I started to do when I first lived on my own.

    My only real food-need is for quantity: I eat a healthy diet – low fat/cholesterol, lots of fiber and veggies, etc – then I usually have another healthy diet after that… but whether it’s steak or celery sticks & peanut butter, I don’t often care much. (which doesn’t explain why I married a ‘foodie’!)

    As for the B5 re-animation sucking – well, DUH. The best actors from the original are either dead or not returning for one reason or other. And who wouldn’t be creatively exhausted after delivering what seemed initially to be an absurdly ambitious 5-year story arc? He’s no Joss Whedon… I can’t blame him for trying to wring a few more bucks out of the franchise, but there never really was a franchise – he never set it up that way.

    B5 is on SciFi here, so I’m seeing it again for the first time since it aired originally, and it holds up well enough. But I have no wish to see any of the movies, sequels or remixes again.

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