
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Changing Demographics

Posted on | December 14, 2007 at 11:43 pm | 6 Comments

Periodically, I like to talk about search phrases that bring people to this blog, especially when I run out of other things to talk about. The last time I did this was back at the beginning of November. At that point, the clear winner, as it has been for some time, was the title of a Journeys ong. Well, that’s changed. This post, especially the title of it, has brought a new demographic to my site, a demographic that is most likely sorely disappointed when they arrive here. Yes, the new #1 search term that leads here is “spanking teens” (and variations thereof), which creeps me out no end. It really makes me think about what I’m going to write about and how I’m going to title things in the future.

There was a really strange search term, which I think involved “spanking”, listed last week, but I don’t remember what it was and it rolled off the StatCounter log. Dang, I wish I had written it down. Though I think it was another one of those that made me fear for the future of humanity.

There was a huge spike in blog traffic after I eulogized about my friend/co-worker Brad, who died last month in a tragic ballooning accident. A lot of people I work with (or knew through work) said they stumbled upon my site for the first time after googling Brad’s name and reading my post. Some even mentioned it to me at the funeral. Again, it made me think about how I’m going to write things in the future. I still continue to get a couple of hits a week that way, as well as for the eulogy for my friend Bryce that I wrote back in October. I guess I’m the go-to guy for web eulogies, which is really not something I’d like to be known for. Here’s hoping for no more deaths for a good, long while.

Incidentally, it would’ve been Bryce’s 44th birthday today. I miss you more than ever, buddy.

Someone was searching for “Safeway Christmas Music” and ended up at yesterday’s post. Note that was from the Canadian Google, where my page is #4 in the search results. I’m #9 in the American search. I’m surprised there’s that many hits above me.

Another one I see quite often popped up this week: “silverfish imperatrix”, which points to this BÖC post. The funny thing about that is that the phrase was in the comments (hi, 2fs) instead of the post proper. I can’t figure out why anyone would be searching for that phrase, since only BÖC fans would encounter it, and they would already know its origin.

Another interesting one this week was “michael mcdonnald shorts“, which led to my entry entitled “Michael Bay is Quaking in His Shorts“. I really don’t want to know what that one’s about. Now I’m going to have nightmares about Michael McDonald in Daisy Dukes.

That’s enough for now! Stay tuned for the next exciting installment of “How Did They Get Here?”

Jogged Today: No, snowing again (see PPotD).
Today’s Weight: 163.4 lbs
Lunch Yesterday: Many and varied delicious items at the company/project holiday potluck.
Pet Peeve of the Day: Snow after snow after snow. I’m really getting out of shape here and need to run again, but it’s too dangerous with the snow and ice on the ground. Plus it’s been very cold as well. I can feel my muscles atrophying and tightening up. At least it looks like we’re done with the cycle for now, and no more is expected until late next week. Hopefully I can start running again soon.



6 Responses to “Changing Demographics”

  1. InfK
    December 15th, 2007 @ 2:56 am

    Cheap iPhone, free ringtones, Anna Nicole Hilton, Iraq Wii Iran, Fahey moves to Australia with Spike, Tiger Woods Harry Potter, Britney Giuliani, Ted Haggard Larry Craig John Howard Bono, Roger’s Pet Peeves, umm – writer’s strike?

  2. Bill the Galactic Hero
    December 16th, 2007 @ 8:52 am

    “When properly viewed, everything is lewd.”
    - Tom Lehrer

  3. yellojkt
    December 16th, 2007 @ 10:15 am

    Congrats on the fine Google-links, but I’m still the Feel Lucky hit for “jordan todosey naked”.

  4. InfK
    December 16th, 2007 @ 5:07 pm

    Actually, that suggests a much more interesting game – a variation on GoogleWhacking (http://www.googlewhack.com/) where we compete to see who can come up with the funniest phrase that links solely to their own blog.

    I bet my wife has a few good candidates…

  5. dgstan
    December 19th, 2007 @ 9:56 pm

    Sorry I’m so late to this party, but does your site come up if one searches for Sgt. C**kring?

  6. Flasshe
    December 19th, 2007 @ 10:20 pm

    Seems unlikely…

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