
Life, Minutiae, Toys, Irrational Phobias, Peeves, Fiber

Friday I’m In Snow

Posted on | December 21, 2007 at 5:09 pm | 1 Comment

House on the Hill vs SnowThis morning was pleasant enough: totally blue sky, temps in the 40s, but there was a cold wind. By early afternoon, the snow had moved in. I have the day off – actually I’ve got the rest of the year off – and had a lot of things to do today. Of course the snow interfered with that, but I did get a lot done, including what’s hopefully the last of my Christmas shopping. I think all the sliding around the streets was worth it. We’re not supposed to get too much snow, and tomorrow should see the sun again.

But for now I’m Snowbound. What should I do? I could do something constructive, like wrap presents or answer horribly-outdated (or even recent) e-mail. Or I could sign up on one of the anti-social networking sites. See! I knew there would be a MySpace/Facebook backlash coming soon. All of these appeal to the cynical side of me, the same side that comes up with a Pet Peeve every day. Snubster looks interesting, though it loads rather slow and they stole the Dead To Me/On Notice thing from The Colbert Report. I like the idea of listing things you hate (my #1 is “listing things you love”, #2 is “listing things you want to do before you die”). Enemybook is a Facebook application, so that wouldn’t do me much good, since I’m not a Facebook member. I can’t quite figure out Hatebook, but it looks interesting. Will any of these sites still be around a year from now? Will MySpace and Facebook still be around five years from now? If MySpace is still around, I hope to God they come up with a better interface and stop letting people design hideous pages that look like mental vomit. (Sorry, MySpace fans. In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that Reign of Frogs has a MySpace page.)

But I don’t think I’ll sign up for any of those right now. What I’ll probably do is veg in front of the TV and fall asleep…

Jogged Today: Yes (@ 40°F?). Only did a half route though, since it’s been so long since I’ve ran and I didn’t want to overwork the atrophied muscles. And there was that really cold wind.
Today’s Weight: 165.4 lbs (gak!)
Lunch Yesterday: Bangkok Chicken with Basil at Hoong Gate. This was where yesterday’s anti-government ranter did his stuff. The interesting thing about Hoong Gate, aside from it being very small for a Denver restaurant, is that they’ve had the same “Grand Opening” banner hanging up under the outside sign ever since I started going there back in April. That’s one hell of a long Grand Opening. For all I know, that banner’s been up for years. There doesn’t seem to be much in the way of Grand Opening specials there though.
Pet Peeve of the Day: Stores that have signs marked with English and Spanish, but not Klingon.



One Response to “Friday I’m In Snow”

  1. 2fs
    December 22nd, 2007 @ 9:37 pm

    There’s a bar in town that I drive past on my way to work that’s been closed for at least a year and a half now…with a sign on the front saying CLOSED FOR THE SEASON. Apparently, the “season” is summerfallwinterspring…

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